Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010

Scott Schuman's Love Talk with

Interview with Scott Schuman (, Wertheim Village (, 19.05.2010 @ Blogger Convention.

Das Interview auf deutsch gibt es bei
Foto: Christopher Peterson (

1. What makes a woman irresistible?
I will be honest: There are no irresistible women because I am dating the most irresistible woman in the world, Garance Dorée. So to me all other women are resistible. She is the woman, she is the one. She is smart, beautiful, charming, faithful and wonderful. So there is nothing that can make women irresistible and only one woman that is irresistible.

2. How do you make a woman fall in love with you?
I want to make the things that are not good about me better. So she has faith in that way. She knows and sees that I want to make things better for her. I think that is the way she fell in love with me. She knows she can trust me and that I want to make a good life with her.

3. Are there any characteristics you could never tolerate in a woman?
Bitchiness, materialism. You know, that’s funny: We run fashion blogs but I think we are one of the least materialistic people that I know. Before I was doing the fashion blog I did “mum and dad”. It was all about watching my kids, we did not have extra money and we were still happy, I loved that time.

So my answer in short: In general I do not really draw on negative stuff; I draw on what makes a person great.

5. Is there any advice you would like to give every woman?
Concerning fashion:
Play up your best assets! Figure out what makes you really special and beautiful. Some girls have big chests, some girls have great long legs, some have great hair, great eyes. So figure out what those things are and figure out how to highlight them and make that the focus of everyone´s attention. The other day I shot in Berlin and this girl had great hair, beautiful face and beautiful lips. She had a curvy body, a little overweight, that made it really difficult for her to be a model, although she was beautiful. But she knew how to focus on her look: her face, her lips. She didn´t hide the rest but she just downplayed it and knew which parts people were really attracted to.

[That is the girl he was talking about:]

Concerning relationships:
I think hopefulness is something we don´t hear enough about, to hope your partner can be better. Sometimes, sure, you have to cut it up when it is just not going to work. Faith is different than hopefulness. Right now we often hear a lot about girls and guys messing up relationships. Then the woman says (and sure vice versa, the guy): “That´s it. I´m not putting it up, I´m leaving” But sometimes it takes a little faith and hopefulness to stay by your man. This person is my man or my woman for a while. So do not just walk away but give this person a chance to make themselves better, to correct their mistakes.
I am a firm believer that people are not necessarily bad. Often there are good people in a bad situation. So they end up doing things they wouldn’t normally do in another situation. Sometimes you have to take this person out of this situation into a better one and give him a chance to learn and make those things better. And that takes hope and a certain amount of faith. And that is incredibly important. That is something you not really see in modern women. As soon as their man makes a mistake they are so embarrassed and upset that they leave before giving the guy a chance.

6. Complete this sentence: If I was a woman, I would… I am not answering that, because any answer would get me into trouble ;)

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Große Sammlung von Informationen. Thanks for sharing es.Geburtstag Ideen